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The Redfern Raider's Coaching staff pride themselves on the development of our Junior footballers. We aim to achieve this by providing each and every player the opportunity to excel through a range of specialist coaching techniques. 


With over two decades of combined experience, the Redfern Raiders Junior Coaches focus primarily on the following areas:


- Correct mobility and dynamic warm-ups prior to all training sessions and matches, so that each player is prepared both physically and mentally

- Fundamental touch and skills practice to ensure player development and consistency

- Fitness, agility and strength training as a compulsory component of each training session, to inspire the physical development necessary for junior footballers  

- Specialised tactics and match-day planning, for the achievement of overall team success and morale


All of these combined mark a philosophy that each Junior player has the opportunity to access tools that will assist them to not only enjoy their football, but serve as the foundations of a successful career in the Sydney competitions and beyond. 


If you're a parent or player interested in finding out more about the Redfern Raiders Junior philosophy, then please get in touch with us via our Contact Page. We'd be more than happy to answer any questions about how you or your son may benefit with our Club, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

Coaching Philosophy
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